Build your future safely ONLINE Empresarial
3 years ago - Classificados e Serviços - Baião - 680 visitasLooking for a safe environment to grow your business skillsand network? The MBA is your way to a secure career.
Join fellow business professionals for this virtual MBAevent. Business schools from around the world look forward to meeting youonline on either of the dates convenient for you – June 22th, June 26th and July 10th.
Discover the best in business education. Here’s what youget at the event:
· Individual video meetings with MBA programme directors from HECParis, IMD, Asia School of Business, Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, EUBusiness School, University of New Brunswick, and many more
· Insightson online and hybrid learning options and flexible formats
· Personal consultation for your business andmanagement studies
· Expert business insights and MBA admission webinars
· Chance to win 1000 euro in financial aid foryour MBA
· Diverse scholarship opportunities
· All candidates are entitled toreceive an exclusive discount of 30% on a personal consulting session withCrossculture2Go for career development:Get ready for your future global leadership role – assessment + 42-pageindividual report + 60min expert consultation! -
How to build your future with an MBA
The MBA degree provides what you need to be the best inbusiness and leadership. AACSB data shows 95% of MBAs land a full-time jobwithin 3 months of graduation, and 74% get hired while still in school. Themedian salary of MBA grads is 75% higher than those with a Bachelor’s,according to GMAC.
Here are some more of the benefits:
It’s safe. Strengthen your career with the world’smost reputable business degree. The MBA guarantees a safe space whereprofessionals grow and learn. It opens the door to unlimited businessopportunities.
It’s flexible. Choose the learning format that fitsyour professional style. Go for a full-time MBA to experience the fullbenefits. Balance work and study with a part-time MBA. Explore the online trendwith distance learning.
It’s global. Expand your view of the business worldwith an MBA abroad or at home. Make connections that span the globe. Join aunique business network with MBA participants from diverse backgrounds.
Access MBAis free of charge, but online meeting slots are limited. Register early to saveyour spot.
Sign up today on