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Network Virtually with Business Schools and Executive MBA Alumni Empresarial

4 years ago Classificados e Serviços São Paulo   535 visitas
Localização: São Paulo
Preço: R$ --

Join theExecutive MBA scene. Expand your network of senior managers and visionaryleaders.

PremierEMBA gathers ambitious business school aspirants for productive virtualnetworking sessions with Fundacio ESADE, IE Business School, HEC Paris EMBA, EMLyon, and more.

Date: Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Place: Onlineevent platform

Book yoursport for free here https://www.accessmba.com/link/G8k

Executives will connect with successful alumni and representatives ofsome of the world’s top 50 EMBA programmes from the Financial Times ExecutiveMBA ranking.

Premiervalue for experienced leaders

Experiencedprofessionals choose the Executive MBA for the opportunity to gain new careerperspectives. The format enhances their leadership skills and helps themdevelop strategic partnerships.

EMBAparticipants benefit from impressive career progression and achieve significantsalary increases, the Executive MBA Council (EMBAC) reports. Salaries ofExecutive MBA graduates are among the highest across business and managementprogrammes.

Gain first-handinsights into the EMBA format from insiders. Distinguished alumni will cometogether for an exclusive panel discussion. Each event participant will have apersonal assistant during the event.

Invest inyour future today.

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CEP 01000